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List of the qualities you should look for in your tutors?

Effective learning and better engagement require qualitative teachers that are critical for students’ academic success and development.

And the effective yet qualitative teachers are lifelong learners passionately dedicated to the student’s academic development.

Looking for a qualified tutor for your child who can help with academic and skills development?

Read on, and you will get to know what qualities you must look for before choosing a tutor for your child.

List of qualities you must look for in tutors! 

  1. Empathetic

A tutor must understand what it is like to be a student.

A student who may lack confidence or a student who is stressed or does not understand the study material the way it should.

A tutor must understand that teaching requirements are different for them. 

  1. Patient

This is one of the essential qualities that a tutor must have.

  • A teacher needs to be patient all the time.
  • A tutor should never act annoyed if the student doesn’t know something.

The tutors must demonstrate patience even if they ask silly questions. 

  1. Experienced and qualified

The best tutors are the ones that are qualified and experienced in imparting their knowledge to the students.

They must be capable of having and delivering a deep understanding of the current curriculum.

They must be capable of imparting knowledge in various teaching styles to help students grasp the shared information effectively. 

  1. Motivator

A tutor encourages the students to strive for the best only.

A tutor focuses on everything to reach the goals, identify the strengths, and focus on practical learning methods. 

  1. Can explain the study material in various ways

An excellent tutor is the one that understands that no one size fits all.

So they make different learning strategies to make the students understand the same concept in various ways.

They can easily sense what students do not understand appropriately and always try to implement another approach to sharing and presenting the study material. 

  1. Dynamism and openness to modifications

An effective tutor adjusts to the pupil’s needs.

These requirements don’t include the academic only but may also include rigour to emotional needs.

  1. Ability to make students visualise what is being taught

An effective tutor is always a good communicator.

They can effectively make the students visualise their study materials in their minds.

And the excellent communication methods that are often used to create engagement include:

  • Using ample examples
  • Performing some learning activities
  • Using infographics or visuals
  • Use of computer graphics
  • Illustrative posters
  • Colored markers or chalks to bring clarity to the diagrams
  1. Self-disciplined

To make the students self-disciplined, the tutors must be self-disciplined first.

Whether you have promised a test date or some lecture, the efficient tutor never misses out on the deadlines. 

Final Takeaway! 

An efficient tutor can never make an easy study plan but is capable of imparting the knowledge appropriately.

TEL Gurus supports connecting students and tutors online with effective learning materials, interactive learning activities, and access to qualified tutors from different parts of the world.

Feel free to explore the efficient tutoring and learning opportunities with TEL Gurus.

What is the most useful formulas in math?

What is the most useful formulas in math?

Turning pages of your randomly to find the most used math formulas?

Facing difficulty in revising maths problems as your formulas seems scattered?

Not anymore. TEL Gurus bring you a complete and holistic guide of maths formulas.

Just skimp through this list.

Bingo! You are ready for your exams.

Math formulas are expressions or set of rules that help you solve the mathematics problems quickly and accurately.

From Key stages to GCSE, advance level maths concepts become easy to grasp if you know the formula.

The best way to learn the formulas is Practice, Practice and Practice.

So, let’s make your maths learning more easy and fun with these exhaustive list of maths formulas.

  1. Number Theory
  2. Geometry
  3. Arithmetic
  4. Algebra
  5. Probability
  6. Combinatorics (Permutation & Combination)
  7. Trigonometry
  8. Consumer Math Formulas
  9. Statistics
  10. Calculus 

1. Number Theory

1.1 Number sets

Let’s discuss all the number sets with examples

Number Sets

Number set type Definition Example
Natural Numbers All counting numbers are natural numbers N= 1,2,3,…
Prime Numbers The numbers having exactly two factors i.e. 1 and the number itself P= 2,3,5 ,7,11,…
Composite Numbers Number having more than two factors 4,6,8,10,12,14,…
Whole Numbers All natural numbers with 0 form the whole numbers W= 0,1,2,3,4,5,…
Integers All positive and negative numbers form integers. Z= ….,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,….
Rational Numbers Numbers that can be written in form of fractions. Q = 1/2, 11/10, 0.3333
Irrational Number Numbers that cannot be written as fractions. F = π, √2, ..
Real Numbers Real numbers are a set of rational and irrational numbers. R=…,−1,0,1,1.1,–√7,2,π,…
Complex Numbers Any number that can be written in the form of a + ib, where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part and i stands for √-1. C=…,−5+6i, 0, 7+9i, …

2. Geometry Formulas

2.1 2D shapes

2D Shapes

Shape Variables Perimeter Area
Square Side =s 4s s2
Rectangle Length= l

Breadth = b

2(I + b) lb
Circle Radius =r 2πr πr2
Triangle Side1 = a

Side2 = b

Side3 = c

s = (a+b+c)/2

s is semi perimeter

a +b +c √(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))
Right angled triangle Base = b

Height = h

Side 2 = a

Side 3= c

a +b +c ½ *  b*h
Parallelogram Base= b

Height = h

Other side = a

2 (a +b ) bh

2.2  3D shapes

3D shapes

Shape Variables Volume Curved Surface area / lateral surface area Total Surface Area
Cube Edge = a a3 4a2 6a2


Length =l breadth=b

height =h

lbh 2h(I + b) 2 (lb +  bh + hl)


Radius of the circular base =r

Height = h

πr2h 2πrh 2πr (r + h)
Cone Radius of the circular base =r

Height = h

Slant height = l

1/3  πr2h πrl πr (l + r)
Sphere Radius = r 4/3 πr3 4 πr2 4 πr2
Hemisphere Radius = r 2/3 πr3 2 πr2 3 πr2


2. Arithmetic Formulas


BODMAS is an acronym that stands for brackets, Order, division, multiplication, addition and subtraction.

It tells us the order to be followed while performing arithmetic calculations.

2.2 Fractions

Fractions are part of a whole.

A fraction has two parts numerator and denominator. The upper part of fraction is known as numerator and lower part as denominator.

For example: ¾  here 3 is the numerator and 4 is the denominator.

Concepts of Fraction

Proper Fraction When numerator < denominator, the fraction is proper fraction. For example: 3/4
Improper fraction When numerator > denominator, the fraction is improper fraction. For example 8/5.
Mixed Fraction A mixed fraction has both a whole number and fractional part. For example:
Like Fractions Two fractions are said to be like fractions when they have same denominator.
Example: 2/13 and 5/13 are like fractions
Unlike Fractions Two fractions are said to be unlike fractions when they have different denominator.
Example: 2/3 and 5/8 are unlike fractions

Let a/b and c/d are two fractions where a≠b≠c≠d

Fraction Formulas

2.3 Progressions

Progressions are when numbers are arranged in a particular order. There are three major types of Progressions Arithmetic Progression, Geometric Progression and Harmonic Progression.


4. Algebra Formulas

Algebraic formulas are used to calculate expressions involving variables and constants. Here is a quick revision to all the formulas

  • (a + b)2= a2 + 2ab + b2
  • (a – b)2= a2 – 2ab + b2
  • (a + b)(a – b) = a2– b2
  • (x + a)(x + b) = x2+ x(a + b) + ab
  • a2 + b2 = (a + b)2 -2ab
  • (a + b + c)2= a2 + b2 + c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca
  • (a – b – c)2= a2 + b2 + c2 – 2ab + 2bc – 2ca
  • (a + b)3 = (a + b)3 = a3 + b3 + 3ab(a + b)
  • (a – b)3 = a3 – b3 – 3ab(a – b)
  • (a + b)4 = a4 + 4a3b + 6a2b2 + 4ab3 + b4
  • (a – b)4 = a4 – 4a3b + 6a2b2 – 4ab3 + b4

Here are some formulas involving exponents having same bases with different powers or different bases with same powers.

  • am. an = am+n
  • am / an = am-n
  • (am)n = amn
  • (ab)m = am. bn
  • a0 = 1
  • (a)-m = 1/am

Quadratic Formula

For any quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0

Where x is the variable and a,b,c  are constants, the roots can be calculated by using the formula

Quadratic Formula

b2 – 4ac is also called determinant (D) and helps in finding the nature of the roots.

  • D > 0, then the quadratic equation has two distinct real roots.
  • D = 0, then the quadratic equation has two equal real roots.
  • D < 0, then the quadratic equation has two imaginary roots.

5. Probability Formulas

The likelihood of an event happening is known as probability (p).

The probability of not happening an event is 1 – p.

Probability formula

P(A) = Number of favourable Outcomes / Total number of favourable outcomes

Here P(A) is the probability of an event A.

Or, it is also written as

 P(A) = n (A) /n (S)

n(A) stands for number of favourable outcomes

n(S) stands for total number of events in the sample space

Let’s discuss some probability formulas for two events say, A and B.

Most useful Probability formulas

Probability Range 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1
Additional Rule P(A∪B) = P(A) + P(B) – P(A∩B)
Complementary Addition P(A’) + P(A) = 1
Independent events P(A∩B) = P(A) * P(B)
Disjoint events P(A∩B) = 0
Bayes’ Formula P(A | B) = P(B | A) * P(A) / P(B)
Conditional Probability P(A | B) = P(A∩B) / P(B)

Let’s revise with an example:

Q1. Calculate the probability of getting an even number on rolling a dice. 


Sample space (S) = { 1,2,3,4,5,6}

n(S) = 6

Let A be event of getting even number (favourable outcome) = {2,4,6}

n(A) = 3

Probability of getting an even number = n(A)/n(S) = 3/6 = ½

So, the probability of getting an even number on rolling a dice is ½.

6. Combinatorics

Let there be n things, they can be arranged in n factorial Ways.

n factorial is written as n! and can be calculated as n (n-1) (n-2)…3*2 *1.

Conventionally 0! is considered as 1.

Permutation and combination

The primary difference between permutation and combination is the order.

If the order of things matter, it’s a permutation and if it doesn’t it’s a combination.

Permutations of n things taken r at a time can be determined by:

P(n,r) = n! / (n−r)!

Combinations of n things taken r at a time can be determined by:

C(n,r) = n! / (n−r)! r!   or,

C(n,r) = P(n,r)  / r!

Let’s understand this with the help of an example:

Permutation: Picking a Captain and Vice captain from a group of 10 sportspersons.P(10,2) = 10! / 8!

= 10 * 9

= 90

Combination: Picking a team of 4 students from a class of 10 students.C (10,4) = 10! / 4!6!

= 10 * 9 * 8 *7 / (4* 3 *2 * 1)

             = 210

7. Trigonometry

This branch of mathematics deals with the study of triangles and relationships between its side lengths and angles.

7.1 Pythagoras Theorem

In a right angled triangle,

(Hypotenuse)2 = (Base)2 + (perpendicular)2

There are six main trigonometric ratios sine, cosine, tangents, cosecant, secant and cotangent.

7.2 Basic trigonometric ratio formulas 

Taking right angled triangle as base with one of the angle as θ.

Basic trigonometric ratio formulas

sin θ = Opposite Side/Hypotenuse  or, O/H

cos θ = Adjacent Side/Hypotenuse or, A/H

tan θ = Opposite Side/Adjacent Side or, O/A

sec θ = Hypotenuse/Adjacent Side or, H/A

cosec θ = Hypotenuse/Opposite Side or, H/O

cot θ = Adjacent Side/Opposite Side Or, A/H

7.3 Reciprocal Identities

In a right angled triangle with an angle θ

  • sin θ = 1/cosec θ
  • cos θ = 1/sec θ
  • tan θ = 1/cot θ
  • sec θ = 1/cos θ
  • cosec θ = 1/sin θ
  • cot θ = 1/tan θ

Also, tan θ = sin θ /cos θ

cot θ = cos θ/ sin θ

cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 1

7.4 Co-function Identities

The co-function or periodic identities can also be represented in degrees as:

  • sin(90°−x) = cos x
  • cos(90°−x) = sin x
  • tan(90°−x) = cot x
  • cot(90°−x) = tan x
  • sec(90°−x) = cosec x
  • cosec(90°−x) = sec x

7.5 Trigonometric  table

Trigonometric Table

Angle degrees (Radians) 0° (0°) 30° (π/6) 45° (π/4) 60° (π/3) 90° (π/2)
Sine 0 1/2 1/√2 √3/2 1
Cosine 1 √3/2 1/√2 1/2 0
Tangent 0 1/√3 1 √3

Let’s learn with an example:

Example: Solve (cos 30° + sin 30°) – (cos 60° + sin 60°)?

Solution: From the trigonometric table we can get the values of all the ratios

cos 30° =  √3/2

sin 30° = 1/2

cos 60° =  1/2

sin 60° = √3/2

Substituting the values in (cos 30° + sin 30°) – (cos 60° + sin 60°)

We get,  (√3/2 + 1/2) – (1/2 + √3/2)

= 0


8. Consumer Math Formulas

8.1 Percentage

A fraction with denominator 100 is considered as percentage. The symbol “%” is used instead of over 100.

  • Converting any number into a percentage

Multiply by 100%.

  • Converting any percentage into a number

Remove the percentage sign and divide by 100

  • Percent increase

% increase = (increase/ original value)* 100%

  • Percent Decrease

% increase = (Decrease / original value)* 100% 

Q1. In the exam, John obtained 406 marks out of 500. Calculate the percentage of marks obtained by John. 


% marks = (marks obtained/ total marks) * 100%

= (406/500) * 100%

= 81.6%

John obtained 81.6% marks in the exam. 


8.2 Profit/Loss

If an item is sold above the cost price, it is said to have been sold at a profit.

Profit = Selling Price – Cost Price

Profit% = (Profit/Cost Price ) * 100%

If an item is sold below the cost price, it is said to be sold at a loss.

Loss = Cost Price – Selling Price

Loss% = (Loss/Cost Price) * 100%

Some other formulas:

Discount = List Price * Discount rate

Discount rate = discount / list price * 100%

Sale Price = List Price – Discount

Sales tax = Price of item * tax rate

8.3 Interest Calculation

Simple Interest

Simple Interest = Principal * rate of Interest * Time

Amount = Principal + Simple Inertest

Compound Interest  (CI)

CI = Interest on the principal + CI at regular intervals

CI = P ( 1 + r/100)nt – P


P is principal

r is rate of interest

n is the number of times interest gets compounded annually

t is the time frame

If the principal amount is compounded annually n becomes 1.

The formula becomes:

CI = P ( 1 + r/100)t – P

Amount = P (1 + r/100)t

9. Statistics

When it comes to analysing and dealing with data and numbers, Statistics is used. It’s a branch of mathematics that performs the study of interpretation, collection, analysis, organization and presentation of data.

Let’s have look at most useful formulas in Statistics.


Let’s understand this with help of an example:

Example 1: Here are the marks obtained by the students in exams = {140,150,160,150,170,150,180}. Find the mode.



Since, 150 is the only value that has the maximum frequency i.e. 3.

Mode = {150}

So, mode in the list is 150.

10.     Calculus

Calculus is the branch of mathematics that majorly involves the study of “rate of change” that includes convergence of infinite sequences or within a defined limit.

Differential Calculus and Integral Calculus are two major branches of Calculus. While differentiation splits area into small parts, integration does the reverse.

Let’s have a look at the common formulas related to both.

10.1 Differentiation Formulas

Differentiation Formulas

10.2  Integration Formulas

  • ∫xn.dx = xn+1/(n+1) + C
  • ∫1.dx = x +  C
  • ∫ex.dx = ex + C
  • ∫(1/x).dx = log |x| + C
  • ∫ax.dx = (ax/ln a) + C
  • ∫cos x.dx = sin x + C
  • ∫sin x.dx = -cos x + C
  • ∫sec2 x dx = tan x + C
  • ∫cosec2 x dx = -cot x + C
  • ∫sec tan x dx = sec x + C
  • ∫cosec x. cot x dx = -cosec x + C
  • ∫a dx = ax + C
  • ∫ln x dx = x.ln x – x + C
  • ∫tan x dx = ln |sec x| + C
  • ∫tan2 x dx = tan x –x +C
  • ∫sec x tan x dx = sec x + C
  • ∫cot x. dx = ln |sin x| + C
  • ∫sec x dx = ln |sec x + tan x| + C
  • ∫cosec x dx = ln |cosec x – cot x | + C

Where C is known as integration constant

So, get these formulas by heart and start preparing for your exams.

Good Luck!

Explain the different circle theorems

A circle is the locus of all the equidistant points from a particular fixed point.

This fixed point is referred to as the centre of a circle.

The circle theorem includes the concepts of angles, sectors, tangents, circle chords, and proofs.

Let us learn about the circle theorems here only. 

Circle Theorems 

The different circle theorems include: 


Theorem 1

“Two equal chords of the circle subtend equal angles at the circle’s centre.”



Proof of the theorem: 

In ∆AOB and ∆COD,

AB=CD {because both have equal chords} ————- (1)

OA= OB= OC= OD {Circle Radii} —————- (2)

From the equation (1) and (2),


Therefore by CPCT, we get


Hence Proved. 


The Converse of Theorem 1

“If two angles subtended at the centre by two chords are equal, the chords are also of equal lengths.”




In ∆AOB and ∆COD,

∠AOB = ∠COD (Equal angles subtended at the circle’s centre “O”) ———– (1)

OA= OB= OC= OD ———— (2)

From equations 1 and 2,


Therefore, By CPCT, we get AB = PQ. 



“The Perpendicular to a chord bisects the chord if drawn from the centre of a circle.”



According to the theorem, in the figure OP ⊥ AB.

Therefore, AP = PB 

Proof of the theorem 

In ∆AOP and ∆BOP,

∠APO = ∠BPO = 90° (OP ⊥ AB) ———— (1)

OA = OB —— (2)

OP = OP (COMMON SIDES) ——— (3)

From the equations 1, 2, and 3,



The converse of the Theorem 2

“A straight line passing through a circle’s centre to bisect the chord is perpendicular to the chord.”




In ∆AOP and ∆ BOP,

AP = PB (As OP bisects AB) ———- (1)

OA = OB (Radii of circle) ————- (2)

OP = OP (Common side) ————— (3)

From equations 1, 2, and 3,

∠APO = ∠BPO = 90° (By CPCT) 


Theorem 3

“Equal chords of a circle are equidistant from the circle’s center.”


Construction: Join OB and OD 

[REFERENCE IMAGE ONLY: Using EF instead of PQ] 

Proof of Theorem 

In ∆OEB and ∆OFD,

BE = ½ AB (Perpendicular to a chord bisects it) ——— (1)

DF = ½ CD ——————— (2)

Given, AB = CD

BE = DF (from equations 1 and 2)

OB = OD (Radii of the same circle)

∠OEB = ∠OFD = 90°


Hence, OE = OF (By CPCT) 


The converse of the 3rd Theorem

“Chords of a circle that are equidistant from the centre are equal in length.”



In ∆OEB and ∆OFD,

OE = OF —————– (1)

∠OEB = ∠OFD = 90° ———– (2)

OB = OD ———– (3)

From equations 1, 2 and 3



½ AB = ½ CD

Hence, AB = CD 


Theorem 4

“Measures of angles subtended to any point on the circle’s circumference from the same arc are equal to half of the angle subtended at the centre by the same arc.” __________________________________________________________________

[REFERENCE IMAGE ONLY: Using Q instead of D] 

In ∆AOP,

∠AOB = 2∠APB

Construction required: Joining PQ passing through the “O” 

Poof of the theorem 

OA = OP ————— (1)

∠OAP = ∠OPA (Angles opposite to equal sides of triangle) ——————— (2)

∠AOQ = ∠OAP + ∠OPA ——————- (3)

Therefore, from equations 2 and 3

∠AOQ = 2∠OPA ———- (4)

In ∆BOP,

∠BOQ = 2∠OPB ——— (5)

∠AOB = ∠AOQ + ∠BOQ

From equations 4 and 5,

∠AOB = 2∠OPA + 2∠OPB

∠AOP = 2 (∠OPA + ∠OPB)

∠AOB = 2∠APB

Hence proved


Theorem 5

“The opposite angles in a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary.”




Proof of the theorem 

For arc PQR,

∠POR = 2 ∠PQR = 2α (THEOREM 4) ————— (1)

Considering the arc PSR,

Reflex ∠POR = 2 ∠PSR = 2β (THEOREM 4) —————- (2)

∠POR + Reflex ∠POR = 360°

From equations 1 and 2

2 ∠PQR + 2 ∠PSR = 360°

2α + 2β = 360°

α + β = 180° 


Theorem 6

“Tangent to a circle perpendicular to the radius of the circle at the point of contact”


 [REFERENCE IMAGE ONLY: Using AB instead of PQ]

Here in this diagram,

O is the centre of the circle.

OA ⊥ XY. 


Theorem 7

“Number of tangents can be drawn from a given point.”



(1) If the point is the circle’s interior region, any line through that particular point will be a secant. Therefore, no tangent can be drawn to a circle that passes through the point that lies inside it.



(2) When the tangency point lies on a circle, there is precisely one tangent to a circle, which passes through it.


(3) When the point is at the circle’s outside, there are precisely two tangents to the circle.



Theorem 8

“The length of the tangents drawn from any external point is equal.”



What are the different types of Learning Styles?

Your brain has tremendous potential indeed. Being a potential part still, an average human being utilizes only five to ten percent of its capacity.

But do you know that one of the ways to realize the brain’s potential is to discover the best way to learn?

Yes! And it all depends on the learning style that you choose!

So when learning something new, what way do you prefer?

  • To read about the concept?
  • To experience or watch the demonstration?
  • To listen to someone talk about it?
  • Or some other?

Don’t get confused! As your learning style can quickly help you answer these questions!

Let us start digging into the whole concept of learning styles!

What are learning styles?

A learning style is a way through which different students learn. It is basically a learning style that individuals prefer to absorb, comprehend, process, and retain information.

Have you ever noticed someone when they try to learn something? Some may prefer to talk about the information; some prefer to see a demonstration, or some may read about the concept to learn it.

The learning styles can be classified, identified, and defined in several ways. Usually, these are the overall patterns that give direction to learning and teaching.

The learning styles can also be defined as a set of attitudes, behaviors, and factors that help to learn for an individual in a particular situation.

Learning styles influence how teachers teach, how the two interact, and how students learn. Each learner has a distinct way of perception, retention, and organization.

And the learning styles are characteristic physiological, cognitive, and affective behaviors that serve as good indicators of how learners interact with, perceive and respond to a particular environment.

The VARK Model

The VARK model is an effective model that explains the different ways through which a student can learn.

The core learning styles the VARK model includes are visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic.

Why is the VARK Model used?

The teachers generally use the VARK model to strategize how to plan and promote the students’ learning depending upon their learning style.

It is usually used to maximize learning by focusing on the learning mode that benefits the students best.

The model is confined to four learning ways only, but the learning methods don’t end here. So, here we have brought an extended learning model for you that includes 7 learning styles.

7 Learning styles!!

Learning styles

  1. Visual Learning

So you like to draw things out while studying? Or do you constantly like doodling?

If this is what you like to do while studying, and that is how you generate interest in the study, you are probably the spatial learner.

We are not talking about something complex; it is just another name of visual learning.

Visual learners use visual samples to express their thoughts, knowledge, ideas, concepts, and the relationship between them.

It is well said that the student can retain information for a longer time if learned visually as the visual connections make it easier to memorize the information.

And by representing the information with images or spatially, students can focus well on the meanings, reorganizing and grouping the ideas visually.

Characteristics of visual learners

Visual learners

  • Learns best when information is presented visually
  • When trying to memorize something, they often visualize a picture of it.
  • May have an artistic side.
  • Use pictures, images, or colored visual media to learn
  • Use mind maps
  • Prefers demonstrations rather than to explain or tell.
  • Replace words with pictures.


  • Redraw pages from memory
  • Highlight the essential vital terms
  • Utilize graphic organizers like diagrams, graphs, etc
  • Replace essential words with initials or symbols.
  1. Aural Learners

Are you the one who dislikes reading?

If yes, you probably are an auditory learner who understands and learns better by hearing. Such learners generally depend on hearing the information to completely understand it rather than reading the data from a book and then understanding it.

They also have the aptitude for noticing aural signals changes in tone or pitching, for naming a few. For instance, while memorizing a contact number, an auditory learner prefers saying it loudly first and then taking note of how it sounded to learn it.

Characteristics of aural learners

Aural Learners

  • Use rhyme, music, and sound in learning
  • While creating acrostics or mnemonics, make most of the rhyme and rhythm
  • Use sound recordings to endow with a background and facilitate visualizations


  • Talk it out
  • Record the summarized notes and listen to them again on tape
  • Explain the notes to fellows
  • Re-read the notes out loud.
  1. Verbal Learner

Do you love writing or words?

If you find it easier to express by speaking or writing, you probably lie in this category. Such learners love to read and write makes them more inclined towards this type.

Playing the sound of words like rhymes, tongue twisters, and many more are the ways to learn for such learners.

The techniques often used by these learners involve scripting, role-playing, teaching, mnemonics, and many more such activities involve both speaking and writing.

Characteristics of Verbal learners

Verbal learners

  • Try the techniques that involve writing and speaking
  • Record the tips using a digital audio recorder or tape and use it later for reviews.
  • Make the most use of word-based techniques.
  • While reading the content, try reading it out aloud and make it more varied and dramatic.
  • Works with other
  • Use role-playing to learn verbal exchange
  1. Physical learner

Are you a hands-on sort of a person?

Well, don’t get confused. Such learning typically involves a learner carrying out some physical activity rather than watching a demonstration or listening to a lecture.

Physical or kinesthetic learners are the do-ers that prefer hands-on learning.

Characteristics of Physical learners

Physical learners

  • Focus on sensations you’d expect in each scenario.
  • Utilize physical objects as much as possible
  • For scripting and assertions, describe physical feelings of the actions
  • Use role-playing wither with someone or singularly to practice skill and behavior
  1. Logical Learners

Are you really great at playing with numbers?

Well, that is what a logical learner is like. Logical learner’s brains function much quicker and better when the query is about mathematical reasoning.

Such learners quickly recognize the patterns and can link seemingly meaningless concepts easily. They lean towards grouping and classifying information to help learners understand it.

The complex calculations and number game is just a matter of the left hand for such learners. And the mathematical numbers give them a sense of interest.

Characteristics of Logical learners

Logical Learners

  • Aim to understand the reasons behind skills and content
  • Remember the association often works when it is illogical
  • Use and create lists by extracting key points from the material
  • Finds it challenging to change existing behavior
  • Highlight the ability to pick up procedures and systems easily
  • System thinking helps in understanding the bigger picture.
  1. Social Learners

Are you a social person? Do you like being surrounded by people or communicating with them?

Do you like learning in groups or memorizing the communicated stuff well? If yes, then this is the category you belong to.

Social or interpersonal learners are the ones that are best at communicating or socializing with people verbally or nonverbally.

Such learners communicate effectively, discuss concepts, share ideas, brainstorm, and enjoy collaborating with others.

Such learners are excellent listeners that are more understanding and thoughtful.

Characteristics of Social learners

Social learners

  • Aim to work in groups or with others as much as possible
  • Role-playing works well for them
  • Works on some of the visualizations or associations with a group of people.
  • Work in groups to practice procedures and behaviors that help understand how to deal with variations.
  1. Solitary learners

So you prefer studying alone? Does the crowd distract you from studying well?

If you have a solitary learning style, that is, you prefer learning independently, or privately then you are indeed an intrapersonal learner.

Such a learner’s concentration is best when they focus on studies without any distractions. The researchers and authors have such a learning style.

Such learners are independent and self-aware about their feelings and thoughts. They prefer being away from crowds and learn best when they are in a quiet place where they can pay attention to the task at hand.

Characteristics of Solitary learners

Solitary learners

  • Prefer learning alone using self-study
  • Align the objective and goals with values and personal beliefs
  • Be creative with role-playing
  • Your thoughts have a large influence on the performance
  • Such learners drive themselves by the way they see themselves internally

How do you learn?

See it! Say it! Or Do it!

Now that you have got enough information about the learning styles, which learning style is yours?

How do you learn

Are you unable to figure it out on your own? Well, if you are unable to do so, then even your teacher or parents can help you choose the best learning style for you!


A successful tutor is one who doesn’t only disseminates knowledge and encourages learning but also identifies the student’s learning style.

Recognizing the child’s learning style!

Children often change their learning styles as they grow older, so it is essential to keep trying different approaches from time to time.

Well, here are a few effective learning strategies that can help you out to not only enhance the overall learning experience but also help recognize the effective learning style that can be the best fit in your child’s learning journey.

Effective teaching strategies that can help!

Every classroom includes different students who bring diverse learners together, each student with special skills, personalities, and abilities.

No one size fits all!

And figuring out is essential which learning style fits the best in the classroom. The following teaching can help the students to enhance their learning abilities efficiently.

  • Information visualization

Visualization is indeed an excellent method to process or summarize the information taught in the class.

When the students absorb the information through visual elements, it facilitates them to retain learned information for a longer time.

This technique also helps slow learners to visualize the ongoing lesson in a simple, clear, and systematic way.

The visual tools can be easily incorporated into the class to help students grasp the taught information quickly.

  • Incorporating technology in classroom study

Incorporating technology into the classroom, the study is indeed an excellent way to engage the students. Using laptops and tablets in the classroom study can be an interactive way to impart the learning material faster.

Several educational games function as a reliable platform in polishing student’s skills by engaging them in a game module where they can solve the puzzles and questions while competing with their peers.

Apart from this, it also provides the teachers with a dashboard that assists them in tracking their student’s engagement and progress in the game so they can monitor everything easily.

  • Differentiation

As said earlier, not every student is the same, and so are their learning abilities. So, sometimes differentiation is also essential.

No, we are not talking about differentiating them based on any other factors! But based on their proficient levels.

Yes, you can give the students individual tasks or assignments to complete based on their skills and academic capabilities and see how well they will perform in those tasks.

Challenge them to perform the tasks and see them handling it all based on their proficiency level and intrapersonal skills.

  • Student-led classrooms

Student-led classrooms are the creative way to interact and carry out the discussion in the class. Teachers can encourage the students to switch roles, become teachers for the day, and teach their mates.

It not only brings a new perspective to the entire class but also helps gain confidence. Teachers can also choose to group students in 4 or 5 mates, assign them a new topic, and will teach the new topic to the entire class.

  • Model as you teach

We all know that some learners are auditory while some are visual learners and some other types.

So while explaining the concepts, the teacher must try to demonstrate them by some engaging means that keep the students engaged in the topic.

  • Encourage learning from experience.

The best lessons are generally learned outside the classroom. Get your student or child into the real world and help them better understand the concepts.

For example, if you have finished a lesson, take the learners to the local pond and tell them to search for various animals discussed in the class.

  • Use graphic organizers

You can choose to include several graphic organizers like pie charts, Venn diagrams, etc. that are a fantastic way to display the information visually.

Additionally, the benefit of doing it is that whenever you ask your student to create one, they will also visually apply the knowledge that will help them generate associations and nicely understand the differences and similarities.

  • Introduce fun activities

Students tend to learn more when they are involved in some fun learning activities. Try introducing some fun learning activities to generate interest in the class and see the difference.

Why is knowing your learning style imperative?

Knowing your learning style provides ample benefits. A few of them include:

Academic benefits

  • It enables you to succeed academically
  • It gives you a head start
  • It maximizes an individual’s learning potential.
  • It lets you get familiar with the techniques to score better in exams
  • It diminishes the stress and frustration
  • It allows you to learn your way
  • It helps you explore your learning capability.

Personal benefits

  • It improves the self-image
  • It boosts self-confidence
  • It gives you an insight into your strengths, habits, and weaknesses.
  • It lets you enjoy the entire learning process.
  • It lets you take advantage of your own skills and potential

Bottom Line!

You, as a student, are a unique learner, and nobody else can learn in exactly the same way you do!

But don’t forget that knowing your learning style doesn’t mean that it is the limit for you!

Only the sky is the limit. Keep exploring your learning style and try new techniques! Maybe your newly explored learning style will enhance your overall learning experience!

Why Is a Healthy Environment Important for Children’s Learning?

A positive, nurturing, and healthy environment is an indispensable part of children’s learning. The environment influences the overall well-being and development. Here the term “environment” not only refers to the physical environment, but the primary focus is on the emotional environment as well.

A well-arranged environment is encouraged here that should enhance the child’s development through learning. A healthy environment facilitates the implementation of curricular objectives and goals.

The physical environment is the direct image of teachers or parents planning and students learning. It is where children spend most of the time. It’s a place that they can relate to and call their own. So, It should be comfortable, well-organized, and offer several manipulations for social, cognitive, physical, and emotional development.

But why and how a healthy environment plays an essential role in a child’s learning and development? How you can create an effective and healthy environment for your child? Are you also searching for answers to these questions?  Let us take a closer look at it.

Why is a healthy environment imperative for a child’s learning?

The environment we are in affects the entire mood, effectiveness in work, and ability to form relationships and even affects an individual’s health. When the environment can affect an adult, think about how badly it will influence your child.

It is easy to push your child to learn good habits, study better, score better in the exams, and come up to your expectations, but it is challenging to encourage them. Your child’s learning and overall development drastically rely on the environment they are living in.

With the environment, we are not only talking about air, sceneries, or something but the surrounding behaviour, physical factors, and several others we meant. Are you confused about it? Didn’t you get a clear idea about the same? Check out the factors mentioned below, and you will get the whole concept clear of how the environment plays a crucial role in a child’s development.

Factors affecting child development

Several factors affect a child’s growth, learning, and development. A few factors that affect a child development include

Family and bonding

Family is one of the most influencing factors on the child’s overall development. The bond provided by the family helps children nurture and protects them emotionally and physically. A parent who takes out time from their busy schedules and spends quality time with their children creates a secure bond with them and develops a secure attachment and confidence.

The time you will invest and spend nurturing your child will undoubtedly come up with positive growth and development. There are several ways that you can choose to spend some quality time with your children.

Do whatever interests your child, talk to them, play with them, and perform some activities together. Whatever you choose to do will nurture you, child, in some way.

Physical Environment

The effect of the environment on child development cannot be understood easily, but the physical environment is also one of the influencing factors. If the environment is noisy, cramped, or filled with aggression, the child’s overall personality will be affected.

Even if the child gets divided attention, he may seek out some alternatives to get the proper attention, leading to emotional distancing with you. Also, the unpleasant surroundings can cause the child to bury negativity in them that will make them more introverted.

Undoubtedly, school plays an imperative role in a child’s overall growth and development. Still, the parent’s behaviour, the surroundings they are living in, and the kind of attention they are getting affect the child’s overall development. Apart from the school’s environment, the home’s environment must also be encouraging, loving, and caring, motivating a child to do more good things.

Nutrition and health

Nutrition and good health play a crucial role in the mental and physical growth of a child. Ensure that your child is getting the nutrients in the proper amount as the lack of nutrients can cause severe health issues. And the health issues can strongly affect the child’s development.


Apart from school learning, you need to make sure that your home’s environment stimulates your child’s development. A calm and loving environment at home can facilitate your child to focus on enhancing their abilities.

However, the absence of such an environment can negatively impact the child’s speech development and interactivity. The lack of a positive environment at home can lead to anxiety, aggression, and several other issues that will undoubtedly be challenging to handle later.

After reading this much, we are sure that you must have understood the factors that affect the child’s overall development. But with this, another question that arises here is how to make everything delightful. How to create a healthy and developing environment for your child and what you can do to make it all fine.

Well, if you are also seeking an answer for the same, then you have come to the right place. Here’s all you need to know and do.

How to create a positive and healthy environment at home?

  • Welcoming and comfortable: Create a comfortable and welcoming environment that encourages the child to learn and spend most of their time at home. The environment does not push them to find escape in electronic gadgets or alone in their rooms.
  • Exciting and stimulating: Parents are themselves an inspiration for their children. Engage your kids in some exciting stuff that indirectly helps you spend more quality time with your child and inspires them to do something great at the same time.
  • Good natural lighting: Natural lighting is an essential feature in a child’s overall development. Children are so fond of electronic gadgets these days that it is hard to push them out and take advantage of field plays and natural environmental factors. It is indeed challenging to encourage them for some outdoor activities. Still, to ensure that your child lacks any nutrients, it is essential to choose a well-ventilated room that offers good natural lighting, air, and sun rays.
  • Engage them in various activities utilizing indoor and outdoor environments: As it is said earlier, it is challenging to push kids for some outdoor activities; you can choose to take part in the outdoor activities with them. Plan some interesting outdoor games that introduce them to the variety of activities they can play outdoors, or some indoor activities may also do the same.
  • Supportive and non-threatening: Here comes one essential factor that can massively impact the child’s development. A non-supportive and threatening environment can make your child adamant. Make sure you make your home’s environment such that your child openly shares their thoughts.
  • Participative that encourages children to interact with their surroundings: Plan some activities that may include exercising, gardening, cooking, or some other that encourages your child to participate with you. Instead of serving things in their bed, make such an environment that they actively participate with you. How about listening to the phrase “I helped Mom with this”? A fantastic and cheerful feeling with an irreplaceable smile on their face will be the actual reward for you.
  • Use positive words of affirmation: Your words can make a huge difference. Try using the positive words at home that will make them learn the same. Their behaviour largely depends on how you behave at home.
  • Always apologize for your mistakes and enable your child to do the same: Whether you are older or not, if you are at fault, always make sure that you apologize for your mistakes. The children will learn what they see. So, to make your child a gentle kid, always apologize for your mistakes and encourage your child to do the same.
  • Show affection and warmth: Words and anger won’t help where the appropriate care, love, and warmth can. Do not always scold your child; your adoration and warmth have the power to change their overall mindset and can inspire them to do good in every situation.
  • Practice what you preach, and your child will follow: Suggesting and saying your kids adopt the practical activities won’t help you out. It is time to take responsibility and do whatever you suggest to your child. Whatever you will do, your child will follow the same. So, make sure you set an excellent example.
  • Limit the electronics at least for one hour each day and spend some quality time: Electronic gadgets have taken the most attention of the kids, and the pandemic has encouraged it more. But to make them adopt some good habits, you need to make sure that your child uses them the least. You can limit the electronic gadgets to at least one hour and, during that time, engage your child in some other activity. This will keep them away from gadgets, let them spend some quality time with you and also makes them learn some other activities.
  • Go for critique instead of criticism: Evaluate and analyze your child’s behaviour and try to figure out the reason behind it. Criticism does not always work and especially when it is about your child. So, don’t forget to try this and thank us later.


Bottom Line!

Parents play a crucial role in a child’s overall development. When it comes to providing the right environment at home, it is essential to take care of everything and encourage the positivity at home that positively impacts a child’s personality, behaviour, and learning.

Though there is no parenting manual, taking care of the factors mentioned above and adopting the tips to make it all fine can undoubtedly impact the child’s development. The only thing to remember here is to keep the home’s environment happy, peaceful, caring, and loving, share a strong bond with your child, endow them with affection, love, and attention that will ultimately help them grow and thrive.

What’s the difference between “brain cells” and “neurons”?

Weighing about only three pounds, the brain is the most complicated part of the human body. It is an essential organ responsible for thoughts, intelligence, memories, body movement, sensations, behavior, and feelings.

A brain is made up of varied cell types, each with its own unique properties. However, the most common brain cells are neurons and non-neuron cells, popularly known as glia. On average, an adult human brain contains around 100 billion neurons.

Neurons are popular brain cells, and both neuron and glial cells are essential for the brain to function appropriately.

What are neurons?

Neurons are the tiny cells that are in charge of participating in functions associated with the nervous system.


  1. Referred as a functional unit of the nervous system
  2. Involves itself in signal transduction.
  3. The size varies between 4 micrometers to 1 millimeter.
  4. Transmits and receives nerve impulses.
  5. Communicates with each other using an electrochemical process.
  6. Contain some specialized chemicals and structures.
  7. Carry out basic cellular processes like energy production and protein synthesis.


Whenever you think of the brain, you probably think of the neurons. Neurons are the brain cells that are responsible for sending and receiving electrical and chemical signals.

These are the building blocks of a brain that transmit information to other neurons, tissues, and muscles throughout the body. Neurons allow a person to think, move, feel and comprehend the world around them.

These are made up of three basic parts, including the soma or the cell body, branching dendrites that receive signals from other neurons, and axon that sends the signals to surrounding neurons via the axon terminal.

What are neurons

Whenever a neuron fires an action potential, chemical and electric signals spread from the axon of one neuron to the dendrites of another across the small gap known as the synapse.

Neurons come in a variety of sizes and shapes based on where they are located and what they are programmed to do.

So, what is the difference?

Neurons are basically a subset of brain cells. Around only ten percent of the total brain cells are neurons, including a wide majority made up of oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, extravascular macrophages, microglia, etc.

So, in short, the neurons are just the most interesting brain cells that are available much in the majority. If so, then why do neurons get so much attention?

Our brain is composed of several cell types, including microglia, neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and ependyma. But the reason why neurons are so popular is that only neurons are capable of long-distance electrochemical communication.

Are neurons and brain cell the same thing?

No! It is because many brain cells are not neurons, so both the terms are not the same.

Tel Guru
Tel Guru

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