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Describe the differences between mitosis and meiosis.

Understanding the difference between Mitosis and Meiosis is imperative. Let us start with the definitions of each.


Meiosis refers to a cell division type, which results in the four daughter cells formation, each one with half the chromosomes like the parent cell.

Meiosis Process

Mitosis is a cell duplication process during which a cell gives rise to two genetically indistinguishable daughter cells. The term mitosis is generally used to describe the distribution and duplication of chromosomes.



Mitosis refers to the cell division type, resulting in the formation of two daughter cells with a similar number of chromosomes as the parent cell.


Mitosis Process

Meiosis is a specialized cell division type that diminishes the number of chromosomes by half, creating the four haploid cells where each one is genetically distinct from the parent cells that give rise to them.

Differences between Mitosis and Meiosis

Comparison Parameters Mitosis Meiosis
Cell it produces It creates somatic or body cells It creates germ or sex cells
Where it occurs It occurs in all organisms except viruses It occurs in plants, animals, and fungi
Reproduction Mode Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction
Discovered by It was discovered by Walther Flemming It was discovered by Oscar Hertwig
Function Its function is to general growth and repair and cell reproduction Its function is genetic different through sexual reproduction
Number of chromosomes It produces diploid cells that are 46 chromosomes It produces haploid cells including 23 chromosomes
Stages It consists of one stage It consists of two stages
Interphase Here each chromosome replicates Here, chromosomes are not visible but the DBA has been replicated
Prophase Length Its Prophase length is short Its Prophase I length is longer
Cell Divisions Number One cell division including 4 stages in total Two cell divisions including 8 stages in total
Crossing over/ Recombination No crossing over/ recombination in prophase Crossing over/ Recombination of chromosomes during the prophase I
Anaphase During the anaphase, the sister chromatids move to the cell’s opposite ends. During anaphase I, the sister chromatids move collectively to the same cell pole whereas, during anaphase II, the sister chromatids are separated to the cell’s opposite ends.
Metaphase During metaphase, individual chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell During Metaphase I, the chromosome pairs line up on the equator of the cell.
Cytokinesis It occurs in the Telophase It occurs in the Telophase I and Telophase II
Ploidy It creates the diploid daughter cells It creates the haploid daughter cells
Number of cells created Two daughter cells are created as a result Four daughter cells are created as an outcome
Genetics Here, daughter cells are genetically identical Here, daughter cells are genetically dissimilar


 Bottom Line!

Mitosis is basically a continuous cell division process that occurs in all living cells. In contrast, meiosis is a nuclear cell division, resulting in the daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the original cells. Both have several differences that we have compiled above. Hope it gave you a clear idea about both the processes!


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