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Explain why an artery may be described as an organ.

Tissues are referred to as a collection of various types of cells, and the organs are referred to as a collection of tissues that are connected in a structural unit in order to serve a common function.

While talking about the arteries, the arteries are also made up of various types of tissues.

Let us get acquainted with the appropriate explanation behind it.


Why is an artery described as an organ?

An organ is basically a collection of tissues connected in the structural unit to serve a common function. An artery is made up of several tissues; that is why it is described as an organ.

An artery is made up of several tissues types, including

  • Elastic Tissue

Elastic tissue generally evens out the pressure modifications in the vessel when the heart ventricles contract by recoiling and stretching.

  • Smooth Muscles

Smooth muscles are for vasoconstriction.

  • Endothelium lining

Endothelium lining reduces friction.

And the common function of artery tissues is to transport the blood away from the heart.

Additionally, Arteries have a very narrow internal diameter and thick muscular walls that allow them to carry the blood that is at a higher pressure. So, these are described as an organ.


Bottom Line!

As organs are referred to as the collection of tissues connected in a structural unit to serve a common function, particularly the arteries are made up of several types of tissues that is why these are described as an organ.


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