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How would you test for the presence of a non-reducing sugar?

What is non reducing sugars? 

Non – reducing sugars are the one who do not have free aldehyde or ketone group. They have acetal instead of hemi – acetal wherein an acetal has two O – R group, one – R and – H group that are all attached to the one same carbon.  

Sucrose is the best example of non-reducing sugars. 


Benedict’s test for the presence of non-reducing sugars

Benedict’s test is used to determine if the sugar sample is non – reducing or reducing in nature. If Benedict’s solution is added to the sugar sample and we see no change in the color, then the sugar sample is non-reducing. And If we see a change in the color of the sugar sample, then it is reducing. 

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Principle and working of Benedict’s test

Benedict’s reagent is made of sodium citrate, anhydrous sodium carbonate & copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate. When we add benedict’s reagent to the sample solution, reducing sugars reduces the blue coloured copper sulphate to the red – brown coloured copper sulphide. Whereas, in terms of non – reducing sugars, we do not see any change in the color.

Observations or results 

Observed Color  Interpretation 
Blue  No non – reducing sugars present 
Green Traces of non – reducing sugars present 
Yellow Low amount of reducing sugars present 
Orange  Moderate amount of reducing sugars present 
Brick – Red High amount of reducing sugars present
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